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Basic rules for caring for natural wood furniture

We recommend that wooden furniture be placed primarily in conditions that are stable. Caring for furniture requires some effort, since such furniture is very capricious.

Each piece of furniture should be used only according to its direct functional purpose. The service life of furniture made from natural materials and the preservation of the attractive appearance of furniture throughout the entire period of operation largely depend on the conditions of its use.

1. Place wooden furniture away from direct sunlight (avoid installation near windows or balcony doors that open frequently). Remember that direct sunlight is harmful to any type of furniture

2. Do not place wooden furniture near any heating elements (heating radiators, electric heaters, air conditioners, etc.). Distance from heating devices at least 1 meter.

3. Optimal air humidity and temperature are one of the most important criteria for the maintenance of wooden furniture, as well as parquet.

The air humidity in the room where wooden furniture is located should be 40-60% at a temperature of 18-25°C.

In winter, when the indoor air becomes unbearably dry! It is the decrease in air humidity below the maximum permissible level that is the main cause of premature aging of furniture and loss of its appearance.

If the humidity is significantly lower than the lower limit of the range, for example, in winter, with the heating on and the vents closed, the humidity drops to 15-20%, which corresponds to a wood moisture content of only 4-5% (with the norm being 8-12%), this means that that the wood may dry out a little and small cracks may appear.

If the humidity is significantly higher than 60%, for example, in the fall, during the rainy period, this means that the wood, saturated with moisture, may swell a little.

In order to avoid drying out of wooden furniture or its wooden elements, it is recommended to have decorative sources of moisture in the room (aquarium, fountain, indoor plants, etc.).

4. Furniture must be placed on flat surfaces.

Do not subject furniture items to unusual loads. The load on pieces of furniture should be distributed evenly and not exceed the permissible limit. Place furniture only on flat surfaces to avoid breakage, displacement of hinges and deformation of the shape of the boards.

Furniture care

To maintain the beauty and durability of furniture, we recommend following the following rules:

  1. The basic rule of care is to wipe off dust with a dry cloth, do not allow dust to accumulate, touch the surface only with a soft cloth – flannel, velvet, suede or special cloths, on the packages which say “for furniture.”
  2. Keep away from acetone, solvents and other chemicals and cleaning agents!
  3. Wood furniture should be protected from various mechanical shocks
  4. Do not use cleaning fluids or abrasive powders; there is a possibility that they may react chemically or scratch the varnish. The use of such products may damage the varnish coating, which will lead to accelerated aging of the wood!
  5. Do not forget that decorative elements of furniture also need proper use and care, for example – elements made of metal, genuine leather, etc. do not like heat, direct sunlight, active chemical environments, be it acidic or alkaline, excess water, as well as cold.

Operation of furniture

The period during which furniture retains its beauty and serviceability depends significantly on the conditions of its use for its functional purpose:

  1. Do not place wet, cold or hot objects on the wooden surface of your furniture, this can lead to the formation of white spots on the surface, use special stands.
  2. You should periodically lubricate moving fittings, various guides, door hinges, etc. Some fittings should be periodically replaced with new ones, for example, gas lifts, door closers, furniture hinges with closers, etc. etc. Worn out fittings should be replaced in a timely manner to avoid serious damage to furniture parts.
  3. Do not use excessive force when operating drawers and sliding doors.
  4. Do not forget to periodically adjust hinges, locks and other fittings, and also periodically tighten fasteners, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.

Furniture storage

Wooden furniture SHOULD NOT be stored in the following conditions:

  • In a damp place, air humidity is more than 60%.
  • In a place with a temperature above 25°C, and in places exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Furniture should be stored on a flat surface in accordance with its location during use. For example, a dining table should be stored on a flat surface, standing on its feet, and not on the tabletop or on its side.