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Caring for luxury wood furniture

Any furniture made from natural wood has many advantages compared to furniture made from other materials. Wooden furniture is not made for mass production, because many craftsmen work on its creation, performing a number of operations only by hand. Wooden furniture amazes, first of all, with its beauty and the beauty of the wood’s texture, as if you are experiencing the feeling of the solar warmth of the tree, which it has accumulated over many years of its growth and which it generously shares with people.

Wooden furniture creates ideal conditions for storing various things and products. Outerwear and bedding in wooden cabinets do not lose their original appearance; food in kitchen cabinets can be stored for the entire shelf life without losing its quality.

However, the tree is sensitive to even slight changes in external conditions. It is particularly negatively affected by direct sunlight, indoor temperature and humidity. If master furniture makers, using new technologies and modern finishing materials, produce furniture only of high quality, strong, reliable and durable. Such furniture will serve the owner for many years.

But the owner needs to ensure proper care of natural wooden furniture so that it also does not lose its attractiveness and original appearance for a long time. Elite furniture made from rare and noble wood requires especially careful handling and regular maintenance.

You need to take care of the arrangement of furniture in advance; you need to choose a place for it so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to equip the windows with blinds; they perfectly protect the room from excessive direct sunlight. Blinds of any size and for every taste and at more than affordable prices can be purchased without problems in the retail chain, and companies producing modern wooden, aluminum or PVC windows, as a rule, complete the blinds. The second need is in the arrangement of furniture; it is advisable to install it as far as possible from heating devices, at least not closer than one meter. Long-term preservation of furniture is also facilitated by treating it with care and not placing a heated iron or other hot or frozen objects or foods on it.

The main pollutant of any furniture is household dust, and furniture care is not limited to dust removal only. Time is not kind to any material, including furniture coating, although furniture manufacturing companies have a wide selection of modern wood impregnations and coatings that increase the time it takes to preserve the original attractive appearance of furniture. To maintain the original appearance of furniture, especially luxury furniture, it is necessary to regularly wipe it with cleaning agents.

Manufacturers of household chemicals produce a wide range of different cleaning products for furniture. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers produce high-quality products in good faith, so their selection, and even more so their use, must be treated with extreme care and caution. You can only purchase, let alone use, a proven cleaning product; if a proven product is not available, then you need to consult a consultant when purchasing another product. You should be even more careful when using an unfamiliar product.

To begin with, you can try it in a small amount on the invisible side surface of a cabinet or cabinet, apply the product according to the instructions, and then wipe dry with a dry, clean and soft cloth until the initial shine and evaluate the result. If the test cleaning result is positive, you can proceed to complete cleaning of the furniture.