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Choosing a closet for a small room

It doesn’t matter what size your room is: you can always create a beautiful and functional interior. And one of the best helpers in this matter is a closet in a small room.

It is interesting that it is in small rooms that the unique possibilities of this piece of furniture are especially pronounced. After all, the sliding wardrobe, by virtue of its design, allows you to save space. And this is often the most important point when decorating small rooms.

In a straight line

Is there a free wall in the bedroom, living room or nursery, from which you can retreat 50-60 centimeters without compromising the ease of movement around the room? A sliding wardrobe installed along its entire length will solve issues with the placement of clothes, shoes, underwear, toys, and other things. In such a small-looking closet, so much will fit, which is simply amazing.

Let’s look into the corner

It is wise to place a small built-in wardrobe in the corner. Even a small room usually has at least one free corner. It can be located at the junction of a long wall and the one where the door is located. A convenient place to place a wardrobe will also be a corner created by a wall with a window and a neighboring one. Even such a small angle is quite suitable for a compact, but roomy wardrobe.

Many people choose a corner wardrobe in a small room:

  • This allows you to use often unused corners, in which, in addition, different things like to accumulate – toys, slippers, something else.
  • A closet that rises to the very ceiling will help you make the most of even a small patch. Below you can place shoes, in the middle part – hang clothes, and on horizontal shelves – fold linen and things. Mezzanines will occupy items that are not used so often.

Fit size

The dimensions of small sliding wardrobes can vary and are limited only by the features of the technology. The length of the front panel should be such that the sliding doors can slide freely and are not too narrow.

Many ready-made models are offered for sale, where all the nuances of small rooms are taken into account. However, manufacturers make it possible to order a sliding wardrobe according to individual sizes and in their original design.

Therefore, it is always possible to create your own closet that will perfectly “take root” in a particular room, even a very tiny one.

Different parameters can vary – height, width, depth.

  • The cabinet can be high, rising to the very ceiling, or it can end before reaching it.
  • A closet can have three or four sliding panels, or two.
  • The depth can also be different – it all depends on the size of the premises and the wishes of the customer.
  • The design of the cabinet can be solid when its facade is completely closed with doors. But you can buy or order a cabinet with built-in open shelves or with a panel for an LCD screen. This option will also be appropriate in a small room: you can put the necessary items on the shelves, and the TV does not require additional space.

Modern storage systems will make a closet in a small room even more convenient. Retractable hangers, baskets, various devices will help you easily fold things and just as quickly get them out if necessary.

Color and texture

What color is better to choose a small closet in a bedroom or other room? Designers are advised to focus on light, soft colors. They help visually enlarge the space. Moreover, interior experts consider cold shades to be the best solution: they are sure that such colors are better than warm ones, they cope with the task of visually expanding the area. For many owners of small spaces, this is important.

However, a closet can be bright. If it is small, it will become a noticeable interesting accent, especially if you “support” it with some other object of the same tone in the interior of the room. It is enough just to throw a bright pillow on a bed or sofa, or put a lamp with a lampshade of the same color on the table.

If you want to achieve an even greater visual increase in space, you can go the proven way – order a wardrobe with mirrored doors. The reflection in them will create perspective, expanding the room to infinity. Sandblasted mirrors can be used as they look softer.

Prints on cabinet doors in a small room should be used with care. Large images visually reduce the area. But discreet paintings with many small details, on the contrary, will help make the room more spacious.