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Exclusive dressers and cabinets

Wooden chests of drawers have come into human use since time immemorial. History shows that chests of drawers appeared as a result of the improvement of various drawers and chests where our great-grandmothers kept family things. But along with their advantages, the chests also had a serious drawback, namely, in order to get a certain thing located at the bottom of the chest, everything had to be rearranged.

Over time, the first samples of chests of drawers were constantly improved, their shape and size were improved. By the Renaissance, chests of drawers had become not only an independent piece of furniture, but also an item for decoration in the general style of the rooms where they were installed. Chests of drawers and cabinets have not lost their relevance even today in their functionality; they continue to be the optimal furniture for storing bed linen, various household items and accessories.

Chests of drawers, in turn, were the ancestor of the appearance of cabinets for various purposes and each of them has its own advantages. Currently, complex and specialized ones for storing household items are being manufactured. There are wardrobes for clothes and linen, bookcases, kitchen cabinets, wardrobes for children’s rooms, for hallways and so on. The advantages of a classic chest of drawers are its compact size, they are not as bulky as cabinets, and their installation requires significantly less space. They are very convenient for storing and using household items. Moreover, chests of drawers are the most spacious pieces of furniture; they have virtually no so-called “dead zones”.

Modern chests of drawers are made in any style. The shape of classic chests of drawers has been preserved to this day; their sizes are set depending on the designated place. Their shape can be rectangular or semi-oval and concave, but their distinctive features are elaborate turned legs and rich decoration. Naturally, chests of drawers of this style are made from natural materials, like all luxury furniture, and using the same technology with even more love. Many manufacturers specialize in making furniture to order, including antique chests of drawers from solids of rare and valuable woods – oak, beech, walnut, maple and many others with rich finishes, including inlay.

To make chests of drawers in the Art Nouveau or high-tech style, new modern materials are used along with natural classic materials. The shapes of these styles of chests of drawers differ from the shapes of classic style chests of drawers. Their shape is more varied and free, harmoniously combined with the place of their installation, the general style of the main furniture and the general interior of the rooms. As a rule, this style is preferred by the younger generation, who choose lighter colors. The installation location of chests of drawers is determined by the preferences of the owners of houses and apartments, but most often chests of drawers are installed in living rooms, bedrooms, children’s rooms and hallways. The purpose of the chest of drawers depends on the place of use.

With no less success are cabinets and bedside tables that are made taking into account their purpose. Bedside tables in bedrooms are made in the same style as bedroom furniture; specialized designs are developed for household appliances, taking into account their application and many other products.