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Furniture for the kitchen – what to consider when ordering?

Kitchen furniture should be comfortable, practical, beautiful

Not everyone turns to professional designers. Owners of apartments and houses have to independently develop interior designs for their own kitchens. Only the owner himself understands what and where should be placed. However, there are several nuances of choosing kitchen furniture that you should be aware of so that the interior is comfortable and beautiful, and it becomes easier to clean the room. Consider what should be the right kitchen furniture.

What should be considered when buying kitchen furniture?

The kitchen is a multifunctional room. Here they not only store food, prepare food, but also gather for a joint pastime. Before you buy kitchen furniture, you need to carefully consider what and how it will be used. You should focus on the number of family members, possible guests. You also need to take into account the needs of everyone: the kitchen should be convenient not only for the hostess, but also for the whole family, including children and the elderly.

Before buying or manufacturing custom-made kitchen furniture, they are determined with the following parameters:

  • ergonomics;
  • style;
  • materials;
  • façade design;
  • color range;
  • decorative elements.

Cabinet furniture is assembled from separate modules, which can be either standard sizes or custom-made. The first option assumes that the finished headset will “fit” into the allocated area. But this is not always the case: it all depends on the layout of the room itself and the needs of its owner. In most cases, it makes sense to order furniture: a kitchenette and a set.

Ergonomics: making the kitchen as comfortable as possible

Kitchen design begins with the designation of the “working triangle”: stove, refrigerator, sink. This is necessary in order to perform a minimum of actions when cooking and spend as little time as possible. Thus, the location of the headset is determined and space is allocated for the dining area.

You should carefully consider where household appliances will be installed, utensils will be stored so that it is convenient to use. You also need free access to sockets and communications. When these issues are resolved, it remains to call the measurer and order furniture for the kitchen or pick up ready-made kits.

Designer himself: kitchen interior style

There are many styles and trends, but for convenience they are often combined into two large groups with the conventional names “classic” and “modern”. The first type includes design, which widely uses expensive natural materials (wood, veneered facades, stained glass) and decorative elements (plinths, pilasters, cornices).

Design in the conditional “modern” style includes modern interiors: minimalist, high-tech, futuristic. Smooth surfaces, gloss, shine, transparent details are appropriate here. From the materials most often choose chipboard, aluminum, glass, mirror inserts. Fittings for kitchen furniture are usually extremely functional, characterized by a simple and concise design.

Modern interior fashion allows almost any combination of shapes, textures and colors. The main thing is that they should be made in the same style and look harmonious.

Popular materials for cabinets and facades

Each module of the kitchen set consists of a body and facades. These elements can be made from one material or from several. Often they combine cases made of chipboard 16 mm thick or natural wood. So you can save money without compromising the functionality of the module. Compared to facades, enclosures experience less stress and their appearance is less important.

Each of the materials has its own advantages:

  • Particleboard. The material copes with moisture and high temperatures. From it you can order kitchen furniture inexpensively. But it is worth considering that the facades will look modest. If you want to decorate the headset, you should choose a more presentable material.
  • Solid wood. Exquisite solid wood facades are ideal for classic styles. They always look presentable and with proper care can last for decades. The price of solid wood kitchen furniture is high, but it is a win-win option, and the costs pay off due to the increased service life.

An excellent solution is facades with decorative glass inserts. they look especially organic in combination with skinali – a kitchen apron. By choosing the right combination of materials, you can achieve the optical effect of expanding and “lightening” the entire room. This is especially true when choosing kitchen furniture for a small kitchen. There are many options: glass can be transparent, frosted, patterned. Interior lighting cabinets enhance the effect of “lightness” of the interior.

Particular attention should be paid to storage systems, fittings, facade opening mechanisms. You can choose swing, retractable, folding, sliding doors. All of them are good in their own way. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the kitchen and his ideas about convenience.

5 tips on how to make kitchen furniture inexpensively

Savings should be reasonable. Buying cheap hardware or inconvenient storage systems is a road to nowhere. But there are also very rational ways to reduce costs:

Combinations of materials. The easiest way to save money is to make cabinets and cabinets from chipboard, and facades from more expensive materials (MDF is a good solution).

Design. Stained glass decor and glass inserts adorn the facades, but there are other ways to make the kitchen uncommon. You can make doors in different colors or add patterns. Another savings option: use open shelves instead of cabinets where possible.

Form. Radius elements, complex and curved parts are more expensive to manufacture. If you design a kitchen with a breakfast bar or an open shelf, the interior will seem complete, and the cost of furniture will be lower.

Size. When designing a kitchen, keep in mind that one wide cabinet or cabinet will cost less than two small modules of the same area.

Top material. The work surface must be durable, resistant to moisture, chemicals and temperatures, and easy to clean. All these requirements are met by chipboard with a laminated plastic finish, and this material is many times cheaper than natural or artificial stone, type-setting wood, metal.