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High quality hotel furniture

Hotel furniture made of wood is in great demand. It will last a long time under intense loads. Modular products are the most successful purchase, since thanks to the presence of individual elements, you can create all kinds of configurations for rooms.

Guests’ impression of a hotel or inn is based on the overall assessment of the institution. In this regard, owners should worry not only about the quality of the services they provide, but also about the environment. The arrangement idea may be unique, but it will fail if you don’t choose comfortable furniture.


The requirements for furnishing a living room are much higher than for an office or home. In this case, the products must be:

  • environmentally friendly, since the hotel can accommodate people with small children and people with various diseases, such as allergies;
  • durable and wear-resistant, taking into account the intensity of loads;
  • easy to use;
  • aesthetically attractive.

It is important to note that the equipment is carried out depending on the status and prestige of the establishment. It would be irrational to decide to purchase designer interior items made from expensive materials if the establishment is low or middle class. Despite this, it is worth purchasing quality products, taking into account the performance characteristics. When purchasing, you need to take a closer look at the following parameters:

  • material used in manufacturing;
  • a design that must withstand heavy loads;
  • accessories;
  • surface design.

If you take into account the requirements for hotel furniture, it will be possible to select furniture for a long service life.

Choosing a bed

A hotel requires a variety of furniture such as tables, chairs, cabinets, but the bed remains the most important piece of any room. For example, for a single room they buy a bed 1200×2000. It is considered universal and is suitable for both teenagers and adults. The sleeping area for guests must meet the following properties:

1. reliability. After all, the composition of people can be different. The bed must withstand heavy loads without losing comfort. It is recommended that its frame be made of solid wood, which is characterized by its strength;

2. compactness. Hotel rooms should be spacious and not crowd the people living in them;

3. suitability for repair. It is important that the main elements of the bed can be repaired or replaced if necessary. This will allow the institution to use the furniture for a long time;

4. mobility. You will probably have to move beds from one room to another.

Usually a hotel needs single and double models. She also requires twin beds, which consist of two separate elements. It is important to purchase folding units, which, if necessary, will provide an additional bed. Children’s options should be provided for guests with small children.

Which furniture is better to choose?

Each hotel owner selects the furniture that will be the basis of the interior. The choice depends on what class the institution belongs to, what finances it has and what the developed design project is. Style in this case plays a particularly important role, because it creates a certain atmosphere.

When furnishing a hotel, you need to show not only responsibility, but also creativity. By approaching the issue creatively and contacting LAVORS, you can create an amazing, comfortable hotel interior at a relatively low cost.