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High quality wood furniture

The use of new technologies and materials for the production of exclusive custom-made furniture. Ensuring high quality and reliability of wooden furniture begins with the selection of blanks for its parts. For the manufacture of elite and exclusive furniture, only solid wood of rare and valuable species is used – oak of various types from bleached to wenge and moraine, beech, ash, walnut and others. Elite furniture made from such types of wood is distinguished by its particular sophistication and grace of form and is the basis for creating a unique and individual interior of an apartment or house, comfort, a warm atmosphere and homeliness. The facades of luxury furniture are decorated with unusual artistic decoration or inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones and metal, giving it even greater noble luxury.

Trees have served man well since ancient times. Man made everything he needed in life from wood. When there was plenty of wood, people built houses from it, even in the countries of the Ancient East, which were not very endowed with forest wealth and in which houses were built from stone or baked clay, and wood was used for doors and windows. Man made the necessary furniture from wood and was widely used in the manufacture of tools, weapons and many other necessary household items.

And in the modern high-tech and industrial world, wood as a construction and finishing material, due to its unique properties, remains indispensable in a number of cases. True connoisseurs of the natural properties of wood build country houses and cottages of beautiful architecture from it and, naturally, surround their lives with furniture only made of natural wood. Because in addition to sufficient strength, reliability and durability, wood products create an unusual warm atmosphere and microclimate in the house, which has a beneficial effect on human well-being. For residents of large cities living in multi-storey buildings, the only opportunity to come into contact with natural wood is wooden furniture. However, given the high cost of making furniture from wood, it is used only for the manufacture of luxury and exclusive furniture.

At the same time, analysis of the furniture market in many countries convinces that the demand for furniture made from solid natural wood is steadily growing. An increase in demand for high-quality wooden furniture has led to an increase in the number of companies and firms producing it, including small businesses, as well as to the emergence of new technologies and new effective finishing materials, varnish, and glue, which improve quality and reduce costs and its cost.