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Kitchen furniture – designer tips

Modern kitchen furniture can be made from almost any material. But still, products made from natural wood are most in demand. In almost any home, the kitchen not only has a direct functional purpose, but is also a room in which the whole family often gathers for communication. How to organize the kitchen space so that it is comfortable, practical and cozy.

Work area and reliable furniture

A very important point when arranging a kitchen is the purchase of high-quality wooden furniture and its correct arrangement. The most optimal dimensions of a kitchen set are a width of 50 cm and a length between the stove and sink of no more than 2 m. The total length of all furniture can be absolutely any. This depends on the size of the room, the number of family members and the volume of kitchen utensils.

When planning the design, it is worth considering that it is in the kitchen that the most intimate gatherings are possible. It is also important to place a TV, a sofa, a highchair, a bowl for a pet and much more in this room. In cases where kitchen space is quite limited, the best option is to order a kitchen set according to individual parameters. Then you won’t have to rack your brains about how to fit everything in a small room.

Many companies now offer a wide range of ready-made standard kitchen solutions. But they are also ready to develop any model taking into account the client’s requirements and wishes. Most often, manufacturers work with natural wood, which ultimately allows them to obtain high-quality, durable, reliable and safe furniture. The style and color scheme also depends solely on the customer’s preferences.

Why wood?

Wooden surfaces are practical, beautiful, durable and reliable. They are able to create a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room. Wood products are environmentally friendly and have increased wear resistance.

A wooden kitchen set will easily become a decoration for your kitchen. In addition to its appearance, it should be comfortable and functional. And a corner made of solid wood can provide comfort to all family members. It will look appropriate and stylish in any kitchen and will delight its owners for many years.

Style variations

When choosing furniture for her kitchen, every housewife must decide on the style of the interior. This can be a classic that never goes out of fashion, which is distinguished by the massiveness of the furniture and its natural shades. In this case, various household appliances are usually built in, hidden behind wooden doors. The fittings used are usually metal.

More daring housewives choose the Art Nouveau style. Furniture of this style is characterized by maximum functionality and does not have sharp corners. There are also no bright details in the interior.

Recently, country style has become popular in kitchen interiors. In this case, exclusively natural materials are used for the production of furniture and interior design. There are also wicker and clay parts.

High-tech style can be called newfangled. But it doesn’t require wood to perform it. The main materials of this style are metal and glass. In this case, household appliances are not hidden, but, on the contrary, are put on display.

Light and Dark

An important point in any kitchen is lighting. In addition to the main lighting, it is also advisable to consider local lighting. It will save energy and add convenience to the housewife.

Sometimes the right lighting can highlight even unsightly furniture and make it the highlight of the interior.

Design elements

The interior of any room in the house requires professional intervention. A competent designer usually thinks through everything down to the smallest detail. For example, in the kitchen, even if you have a high-quality and powerful hood, it is best to use lightweight and easily soiled elements to organize the space. Or ones that are easy to clean from grease and dirt.

It is also best to choose curtains and blinds from materials that are easy to clean or wash.

Each housewife chooses the style of her home and orders furniture for the kitchen. But it is worth noting that those who prefer wooden products protect themselves from harmful substances that can be emitted by other materials from which furniture is made.