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Making children’s wardrobes from wood

Many manufacturers have developed a combined design of children’s wooden wardrobes, the upper space of which is reserved for storing children’s clothes, linen and pastels. And the lower space is intended for cleaning and storing children’s toys. Particularly convenient and functional are special roll-out drawers on rollers, which can be rolled out and moved back into the closet even by the child himself.

It is known that games accompany children throughout the entire period of their growth from birth to adolescence, after which adolescents gradually move on to sports and intellectual pursuits. A variety of toys, almost from the very birth of a child, play a huge role in his development and, in their purpose and functionality, must correspond to the child’s age. The correspondence of any toy to the child’s age is important for his full development, when through games, thanks to his boundless childhood imagination, he gets to know his world.

Observations of children’s development show that the process of accumulating children’s toys significantly outpaces their growth and in a short time they accumulate much more than the child needs. In this case, it becomes a big concern for parents, along with the everyday worries of raising children, to promptly sort out the accumulated toys, removing toys that have become unnecessary or toys with which the child is reluctant to play.

Considering the large number of toys, rational storage of them, even the most temporary, becomes an important issue, and each family decides this issue in its own way, based on its assumptions and the possibilities of living space. The main importance is given to quick and easy-to-implement cleaning of toys after play, in order to restore order in the children’s room or a designated children’s corner. From the very beginning, the child must be taught order and neatness; toys put away for a while after play will not distract the child from other activities, and over time, from home lessons.

To make it easier for your child to get toys and choose the ones he needs most, it is recommended to choose a cabinet with two drawers, one for regular and mechanized toys, and the other for soft toys. In this case, it will be much more convenient for the child to navigate the vast world of toys, and for greater safety of the toys in good condition, this option will be the most optimal. When choosing a children’s wardrobe or when ordering an individual order, you need to focus on ensuring that the wardrobe, as the largest piece of furniture, is in unison with the children’s interior, and does not fall out of its context. You need to equip a children’s room with reasonable rationality, taking into account the growth of the child and the inevitable changes in its furniture over time, and not clutter it with unnecessary furniture.

When purchasing toys for children, it is extremely important to pay attention to their safety; toys with sharp edges and corners are undesirable for young children in order to avoid child injuries. It is also important to pay attention to the material from which toys are made; there are often cases of materials appearing in the retail chain made from materials that are unsafe for children’s bodies. Only bright, colorful and safe toys will give children joy and become their inseparable companions to a happy childhood.