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Manufacturing furniture according to customer sizes

Manufacturing programs that include custom wood furniture include the development of flexible manufacturing options for many types of furniture. For this purpose, so-called basic models are developed with certain and specific dimensions, a certain design and color shades using specific furniture materials. At the same time, certain changes to the basic models are envisaged, in which the basic principles of manufacturing this furniture remain unchanged. At the same time, many manufacturers, supplying basic furniture samples to the retail network, also transmit their advertising brochures to the network indicating possible options for changing the models.

Despite the almost unlimited choice of a wide variety of furniture on the furniture market, various furniture styles and made from various furniture materials and at varying prices, sometimes there are cases when the buyer cannot choose the furniture item he needs.

There are many reasons for situations when a buyer cannot give preference to a certain model of furniture. This is, first of all, a discrepancy between the shape and design of the buyer’s wishes, a discrepancy in color shade, non-compliance with modern requirements for workmanship and other reasons. One of the reasons why the buyer does not choose any model is the discrepancy between the sizes of the furniture. For example, when furnishing his apartment or house, the owner additionally needed a small-sized cabinet, but the desired cabinet or table is available for sale, but with large dimensions, as a result of which they simply will not fit in the intended place.

Such a buyer is given a real opportunity to purchase the necessary furniture when it is manufactured to order. Given the growing demand for custom furniture, many furniture manufacturers have developed corresponding production programs. At the same time, a competently and professionally organized process of manufacturing custom-made furniture becomes mutually beneficial, primarily for the customer, who purchases furniture that fully meets his wishes. The process of manufacturing individual furniture can also be beneficial for a furniture enterprise, when the additional costs of its production are fully compensated by an increase in production volumes and specific sales.

In addition to manufacturing furniture in various color shades, manufacturers also indicate a list of furniture materials used with the obligatory clarification of prices for finished products. Options for changing the basic models also concern changing their dimensions within certain limits and with a certain step of change, as well as options for planning the internal space and also indicating the prices for each variable option. The level and quality of furniture decoration that corresponds to their tastes and desires is also important for buyers, especially in cases where when purchasing additional furniture it is extremely important for the buyer that it fits harmoniously into the already arranged furniture and the specific interior that has been formed. Therefore, furniture designers of enterprises also develop for each collection several options for the final finishing of furniture using a variety of methods and decorative elements.