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Modular kitchen: advantages and features

What is a modular kitchen? A set of pieces of furniture, made in the same style, suggesting the ability to change the order of the arrangement of the details of the headset. This is a practical option, suitable for different kitchens: in style, size and shape.

The right choice of furniture will increase the functionality of the room, fill it with aesthetics and comfort.

Features of choosing furniture for the kitchen

  • The functionality of the headset: it is worth answering the questions: “How will I use the room?”, “What elements of the kit do I need?”, “Do I need built-in appliances that the furniture facade will hide?”.
  • Color scheme: focus on the lighting features of the room, its area, your own preferences, trends. Popular options: bright colors combined with neutrals, light pastel colors, natural shades of wood that are always relevant.
  • Style: take into account all the nuances of classic and modern design options, take into account the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Dimensions and shape: if you have a medium-sized and well-shaped kitchen, there are no niches, no obvious flaws – you are in luck. The remaining problems – a small area, irregular shape, poor lighting – will have to be solved with the help of furniture and decoration.
  • Materials: kitchen furniture facades are resistant to moisture, fading, temperature changes and chemical detergents. The customer chooses any type of material offered.

Advantages of modular furniture

What are modular kitchens? This is an opportunity to furnish the premises in the most practical and functional way, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the shortcomings. The advantages of modular headsets include:

  • Powerful: Headset elements can be rearranged if necessary to increase functionality or get tired of the existing arrangement.
  • Modular custom-made sets are made taking into account all the wishes of the customer, the features of the room are the best way to hide the flaws of the kitchen.
  • No hassle when moving: if you change your place of residence, but want to take the furniture with you, it is quite possible! The modular design is easy to disassemble and reassemble at a new location.
  • Maximum functionality: the kitchen space will be organized as efficiently and rationally as possible.
  • Variety of materials and colors: modern modular construction is a rich range of colors, textures, natural and artificial facades.

Custom-made furniture: we solve all problems!

In the process of choosing a headset for the owner of an apartment or house, difficulties often await:

  • Small or too spacious kitchen: the core of the problem lies in the standard dimensions of the furniture that most boutiques offer. Ordering according to individual parameters competently organizes the space.
  • Narrow kitchen-pencil case: it is required to make a suite with the minimum possible depth, massive furniture will “eat” all the free space.
  • Non-standard shapes: in new buildings, rooms often have unusual shapes, beveled or rounded corners – standard furniture will not work, you need to order a set that fits perfectly.
  • Individuality: Standard typefaces won’t appeal to those who appreciate creativity. A personal design project will help to realize all the wishes in form, color and style.

Types of modular furniture

The main classification criterion is the placement of the headset in the room:

  • Linear: The most popular option for the direct arrangement of furniture along one wall. Suitable for rooms of the correct square or rectangular shape. This view saves space, stylistically versatile. The standard length is 2.5 m. But even in this option there are problems: the location of the refrigerator in relation to the stove, the installation of the sink, given the location of the pipes.
  • Angular: as popular as linear due to its versatility. The main advantage is the corner sections with shelves. Advantages: compactness, ergonomics, wide design possibilities.
  • Double row (parallel): sections are set opposite each other, along two walls. The option is only for a spacious, not narrow kitchen, preferably a square one. Often near one wall – a sink and stove, near the other – shelves, cabinets, a refrigerator.
  • Three-row (U-shaped): elements are placed along three walls. Suitable for spacious rooms of the correct form. Given the correct location, it turns out to zone the space.

How to choose facade material?

Materials for kitchen furniture – aesthetic, environmentally friendly, functional, durable, moisture resistant, durable:

  • Solid wood with a protective coating is a traditional, natural material that harmoniously fits into a classic interior.
  • Veneer is beautiful and stylish, profitable, stylistically versatile.
  • Plastic is resistant not only to moisture, but also to chemicals, does not fade, and is inexpensive.
  • PVC, laminating film is an inexpensive type of coating for a modern kitchen. Advantages: strength, durability, variety of colors and textures.

Modular kitchen – what is it? This is an opportunity to embody any style: classic, hi-tech, minimalism, modern, ethno, hiding
imperfections in your kitchen. The set harmoniously fits into the studio, loft.