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Non-standard furniture to order

Custom custom-made furniture is a practical solution for the most functional planning and zoning of usable space in an apartment. Atypical options will help rationally use niches, the unusual shape of rooms, pantries, and think over the situation in a small apartment.

Advantages of custom-made furniture

  • Production of non-standard furniture to order allows you to solve a number of serious problems: narrow or
    a small kitchen, an uncomfortable entrance hall, in which there is no place to install a set, a small bedroom, a nursery. A professional approach will help you correctly arrange pieces of furniture in a spacious hallway so that the space looks stylish and performs its functions 100%. The problem of many apartments of the old fund is strange niches, narrow, impractical pantries, too narrow, elongated corridors – this is easy to solve if you choose furniture of non-standard sizes to order.
  • No restrictions in style – various solutions are available in classic and modern styles. The company will make custom-made headsets according to the client’s project.
  • Maximum space saving: this is true both for small apartments and for rooms in a modern style, where free space is welcomed without unnecessary furniture.
  • Only what you need: non-standard furniture according to individual sizes allows you to choose the necessary filling – shelves, drawers, their sizes, quantity and location.
  • Savings: furniture of non-standard sizes can be practical, beautiful, and inexpensive – it all depends on the chosen materials, fittings, decor.
  • Variability: the customer himself chooses colors, materials, finishes to his liking.
  • Non-standard furniture to order according to individual projects will emphasize the uniqueness and individual features of the interior, the taste of the owner.

The company’s specialists will advise on the choice of material, content, shapes and style. The production of non-standard furniture from quality materials guarantees:

    • The unity of style of all furnishings;
    • Smart use of space;
    • Implementation of complex, creative ideas of the customer;
    • Uniqueness, rejection of standard models in favor of the formation of an exclusive interior design;
    • Unrestricted choice;
    • Price policy flexibility – the customer can influence the final cost by choosing certain materials and accessories.

Cabinet furniture to order: types and features

Case sets are used in rooms for various purposes, they are installed mainly along the walls, they consist of sections, drawers, shelves. A wide variety of special purpose items and universal options are made to order according to individual parameters.

According to the purpose, furniture for the living room, nursery, kitchen, bathroom, hallway, study, bedroom is presented. Shelves, racks, tables, stands are considered universal – they can be installed in almost any room.

Non-standard cabinet furniture is made to maximize the usable space of the room, emphasize the style features, hide the flaws.

The advantages of this type of furnishings include:

  • Functionality: non-standard cabinet furniture to order allows you to choose the content of each element of the headset, to make it as useful as possible.
  • Unlimited design possibilities: you can order non-standard furniture for rooms in classic, modern, minimalist, high-tech and other styles, in characteristic colors, textures, with suitable fittings and decor.
  • Cabinet furniture is easy to install and assemble.
  • The manufacture of non-standard furniture begins with measurements and drawing up a project in order to rationally exploit each square centimeter of the room. The customer is not limited in size, as is the case with standard models.
  • Wide choice of materials to create perfect facades.

How to choose a material for cabinet furniture?

The main question when ordering a headset concerns the choice of material. Most popular options:

  • Particleboard and chipboard: budget material from natural raw materials with special binders. Inexpensive, easy to process, sufficiently resistant to moisture material. The surface is finished with veneer, plastic, melamine.
  • Solid wood is the natural, most expensive option. The cost depends on the type of wood and finish chosen. Do not forget that the tree is capricious and requires special care.

Non-standard furniture for the kitchen: advantages and features

The main problem of most customers is the unfortunate kitchen: small, narrow, dark, oddly shaped. Non-standard kitchen furniture allows you to solve this problem as efficiently as possible – pantries, niches, window sills are actively used. For a narrow or small room, shallow sets are made in light colors with glass trim.

In order for the headset to be as functional as possible, it is made according to a unique design project:

  • Sampling in progress;
  • The specialist and the customer jointly choose the best furnishing option, style, color scheme, materials;
  • The working draft and the contract are approved;
  • Custom custom-made kitchen furniture is produced;
  • Installation.

A similar scheme of work applies to other headsets, wardrobes. You can buy non-standard furniture profitably by contacting the company’s specialists.