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Solid wood bookcase – an exclusive library for your home

Despite the active development of digital technologies and the ability to get almost any information from the Internet, books do not lose their relevance. The book is not only content, but also an indicator of status, intelligence and education. Especially if they have a separate place in the interior or a whole room. And what better way to store books than a solid wood bookcase? About how it should be, where it can be placed and how to choose the right furniture for your home library – in this article.

Bookcases to order – what are the advantages of solid wood furniture?

The popularity of home libraries is steadily increasing. They can be found in the study, and in the living room, and in a room specially designed for reading. Even an ordinary bookcase can transform the interior of any room, and custom-made furniture, taking into account the wishes of the customer, the features of design solutions implemented in the interior, will become a real decoration of any home.

Natural wood, especially valuable species, is perfect for creating a bookcase or a full-fledged library. The advantages of solid wood furniture include:

  • Sustainability. Wood, as a material of natural origin, is safe for both humans and the environment. Moreover, wood helps to control the level of humidity in the room, which is especially important when it comes to storing printed materials.
  • Durability. Wood has an amazing durability, and the use of modern technologies for the production and processing of solid wood helps finished furniture to maintain its appearance for centuries.
  • Strength. Hardwoods have impressive wear resistance, especially when treated with protective agents. A solid wood bookcase is not afraid of moisture, dampness, temperature changes, sunlight, scratches, chips and other mechanical damage.
  • Ease of use. Caring for a wooden cabinet is very simple – just wipe it regularly from dust. Well, if there are scratches on the coating, but the cabinet can always be restored and brought back to its original state.

Let’s not forget that a solid wood bookcase is the epitome of elegance and exclusivity. Such furniture looks unique, and the variety of available configurations and styles allows you to fit a cabinet, shelf or library into absolutely any interior. At Russian Craft, we know how to use the finest woods to provide our customers with luxury furniture with a unique and thoughtful design.

Library to order – how to place the furniture for the library?

Bookcases, shelves and racks can be of almost any size – everything depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which they will be placed, as well as the number of books. As for the configuration, book furniture is often represented by the usual cabinet or more modern built-in cabinets. In closed cabinets, blind or glazed doors can be used – stained-glass windows and mosaics look especially impressive, organically integrated into the classic style of the interior.

It is important to take into account not only the number of books, but also the additional space for placing new ones, because any library is prone to constant growth. It is also worth considering that books come in different heights, which should be included in the size of the shelves, and sometimes publications of a non-standard size come across – all this should be taken into account when making custom-made furniture.

It is equally important to decide in advance on the style and design of future furniture. A custom-made home library should correspond to the style direction in which the room is made – this will allow you to organically fit the furniture into the interior. For example, it could be:

  • Classic. A style that does not lose its relevance in any era. A bookcase made of solid oak and other precious woods with carved decor, a massive appearance and exquisite fittings is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the words “library”.
  • Modern. If you treat the interior as a space for creativity and the embodiment of modern design concepts, then you should take a closer look at the Art Nouveau style. A variety of directions will allow you to choose what suits you best.
  • Country. Lightness that permeates the whole concept of furniture, the use of exclusively natural materials and bizarre shapes – all this is about country. Pastel colors and warm colors, authentic fittings and an artificially aged facade can complete the picture.
  • Provence. Furniture made in the Provence style plays a secondary role in the room: it does not stand out in the interior and creates a feeling of extra space, comfort and a warm southern evening. A characteristic feature of the style is also quite compact dimensions.
  • Minimalism and high-tech. Modern styles, which are dominated by the severity of lines, conciseness of design, the almost complete absence of decorative elements and everything that can “overload” the look. But the design often uses combinations of different materials: glass, steel and even natural stone.

To choose a style that fully corresponds to your ideas about beauty, it will take a lot of time. Professional design can make this task easier. A specialist, working closely with you, will explain the benefits and features of each option, and help you create a bespoke solid block library concept that exactly meets your needs.

Making bookcases to order – what to consider when choosing?

Style is just one of the parameters that are taken into account when choosing furniture for your home library. In addition, the following criteria must be met in order to produce a custom library:

  • furniture placement option – study, living room, corridor, special room;
  • material – for example, an oak library can be called a timeless classic without exaggeration, wenge is more suitable for connoisseurs of luxurious interiors, solid pine combines aesthetics, strength, durability and affordability;
  • dimensions – the dimensions of the furniture must clearly correspond to the dimensions of the place intended for its installation;
  • shelves must be able to support a lot of weight without the risk of sagging or warping the wood;
  • When choosing a cabinet with doors, ventilation holes are required to ventilate the books.

A custom-made solid wood library is an opportunity to get elite furniture, which was created by masters of their craft. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to make any adjustments to the furniture design, as well as choose those precious woods and exterior finishes that suit you.