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The best furniture for the kitchen is only made of wood

For the manufacture of kitchen furniture, as a rule, the hardest and most durable wood species are used – oak, walnut, maple and other species, but such furniture is in the high price segment. In fairness, it should be noted that in order to meet the growing demand for furniture made of natural wood and to make it more accessible to the general public, many furniture manufacturers successfully use the so-called common wood species that grow in each given region. Among these species, the most common conifers are pine, spruce, as well as birch, alder and others. Regardless of the type of wood, a furniture designer will bring his creative ideas and designs into each kitchen collection.

Any housewife strives to ensure that the house is always orderly and clean, so that the whole family can feel comfortable, comfortable and cozy in any room. But the kitchen has always been a special room for her. This is exactly the place where she spends more time than anyone else in the family.

It is the housewife who takes constant care to prepare food in a timely manner and feed the whole family on time. And like any job, working in the kitchen involves a lot of effort and time, so she strives to make her kitchen as comfortable as possible. And given that our kitchens are for the most part combined with dining rooms, she is not least concerned that everyone in the kitchen should feel comfortable in an atmosphere of kindness and coziness.

Home hygiene specialists have conducted multiple studies of women’s employment in the kitchen and suggested, as recommendations, the arrangement of kitchen furniture and household appliances according to the rule of an equilateral triangle. In other words, in the corners of this imaginary triangle, at an equal and minimum possible distance, there was a cutting table, a hob or stove and a sink. The rest of the furniture and equipment is arranged at the request of the housewife, as it will be most convenient for her to work.

In recent years, due to the emergence of new modern materials, modern furniture companies have mastered the production of a wide variety of furniture in design, materials, functionality and, of course, in a wide price range. In other words, everyone can choose any furniture based on their tastes, preferences and capabilities.

It is primarily for this reason that many buyers seek to purchase furniture made from solid natural wood. Furniture specialists are fully aware of all the features of each type of wood and the subtleties of their processing. For example, each type of wood has a unique and unique natural wood texture and natural color scheme, which craftsmen successfully use in the manufacture of their products. Considering that kitchen furniture experiences significantly greater loads and negative impacts from temperature changes and high humidity, it must have increased resistance to any impact.