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The best material for furniture is natural wood

The foundation of good health and good mood is a healthy atmosphere around. Creating a warm, cozy and comfortable interior in the house is necessary for a good rest. To create it in the house, it is important to consider the materials from which the furniture is made.

It has long been considered the most beautiful and environmentally friendly furniture made of natural wood. Wood attracts both a skeptic, a pragmatist, with its durability and purity, and a person who is fond of spiritual practices, the ability to positively influence people’s emotions and energy. Natural materials are especially attractive when choosing furniture for children. It is also worth considering that natural wooden furniture is not only useful for creating the right atmosphere in the room, but also strong, durable and functional.

Advantages of natural wood furniture

  1. One of the most important advantages is the diversity of wood species for the manufacture of furniture and materials for their processing. Thanks to this, everyone will be able to choose natural furniture that is right for him, since the color, design, and price depend on the materials.
  2. Solid wood furniture does not require special care, it is quite easy to clean and process. This greatly facilitates the work of housewives and mothers, and also guarantees cleanliness in the house. Properly and efficiently processed wood does not require special care, it retains freshness and novelty for a long time.
  3. The appearance of wooden furniture gives any interior nobility and high cost. Solid wood furniture looks presentable and prestigious. Due to the brightness of the pattern and the variety of color shades, a special atmosphere is created in the room, corresponding to the personal preferences of each.
  4. Wood is a very durable material, in particular, some species can withstand loads more than metals. The furniture is easy to assemble and is subject to repair, restoration in case of damage.
  5. The versatility of the material allows you to choose furniture for any style of interior.

Disadvantages of wooden furniture

Typically, solid wood furniture is very heavy compared to other materials. Although this guarantees her stability and strength, it will become problematic to arrange frequent rearrangements in the house.

Also, the disadvantages of wooden interior items usually include cost. However, the high cost will justify itself with durability and a presentable appearance. At the same time, the price varies depending on the type of material and the complexity of the design. Accordingly, everyone will be able to choose the appropriate option.

When considering the pros and cons of wood furniture, it should be noted that the susceptibility of wood to changes in temperature and humidity in the modern world is easily eliminated with the help of ship varnish. It is harmless to humans and perfectly protects the tree. At the same time, even the processed array retains its useful properties for placement.

How to choose quality wood furniture

When buying solid wood furniture, be sure to pay attention to:

  1. A drawing of a tree. It differs depending on the type of wood.
  2. Color. Each breed is distinguished by its special shade. For example, pine has a warm, light, sunny color, birch and linden are almost white, cold, and cherry and walnut are bright, becoming darker and richer over time.
  3. The smell of unvarnished furniture also differs depending on the material. If the coating is present, then the smell of varnish should not be felt. High-quality solid wood furniture is coated with a special varnish for ships, non-toxic, odorless when dried.
  4. Mounting parts. Furniture under physical impact should not creak, be mobile. The parts are fastened with adhesives, however, they should not be visible.
  5. Finishings and decoration. All small details on the furniture should be well fixed and be combined in style, not argue with the overall appearance of the furniture.

It is important to remember when purchasing solid wood furniture

Unscrupulous sellers will easily take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the buyer to sell the thing for more than it is. Therefore, it would be advisable to learn more about the quality of furniture or take a specialist with you when buying.

It is necessary to know that solid wood furniture is of the highest quality, more durable and stronger. The breed of the material can be determined by smell, pattern and color. Deciduous and coniferous trees are familiar to every inhabitant. The best furniture is made from hardwoods. Maple, oak and mahogany are the most commonly found in hardwood furniture production.

Softwood furniture is usually cheaper, as it does not withstand strong mechanical stress.

When buying, it is necessary to check the full compliance and coincidence of fittings, grooves for sliding parts or shelves.

You should also check the stability of the structure, the absence of squeaks and mobility during physical impact or use.

The fastenings, seams and joints of parts in wooden furniture must be even, butt-to-butt. When making furniture from wood, glue is always used, but it should not be visible on the finished product.

Natural wood furniture feels smooth and even to the touch. Bubbles, roughness and defects on the surface indicate the poor quality of the materials and, accordingly, the product itself.

So, natural wood is an ideal material for furniture. It regulates humidity and heat in the room, creates a favorable atmosphere in the house, is absolutely safe, and brings unique notes of luxury and attractiveness to any interior. At the same time, natural furniture is not only beautiful, but also practical.