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The pros and cons of a wooden kitchen

The kitchen is the central place of any home, the embodiment of the family hearth, around which the family gathers after a difficult labor day. In addition, it is in the kitchen that sometimes it is almost as hot and humid as in the bathroom. Therefore, the requirements for kitchen furniture special. And its quality directly depends on the type of wood from which it is made.

The advantages of a wooden kitchen

Kitchen woods

In the furniture business for the production of wooden kitchens, a wide range of wood species is used, but the following are the most practical and popular:

  • oak is the most preferred material, its wood has many shades, beautiful texture and is not afraid of moisture;
  • beech, whose light and durable wood can be tinted in any color;
  • ash – its strength is slightly inferior to the strength of oak, but the wood has a special pinkish tint, the beauty of which
    is emphasized by the play of light;
  • cherry – it will surprise you with a warm reddish tint with a slightly pronounced texture;
  • pine, whose wood has a wonderful golden hue, can be a budget option, but it is quite soft and requires careful handling;
  • alder is a compromise between expensive oak and pine that is sensitive to shock, in addition, alder wood is easy to work;
  • larch is ideal for classic kitchen to order, provided that the array is dried in compliance with technological standards.

For and against

The advantages of solid wood products:

  • durability – high-quality processed wood will serve more than one generation: the antique furniture of our grandmothers is a real rarity;
  • naturalness and compliance with today’s environmental trends;
  • beauty – ease of processing wood opens up a wide scope for the designer’s imagination, expands his possibilities;
  • relative ease of restoration – new materials for wood processing provide high-quality repairs and a radical renovation of facades.

Disadvantages of wooden kitchen furniture:

  • high cost;
  • difficulty of installation due to the heavy weight of massive parts;
  • sensitivity to air humidity, light and temperature changes;
  • need for constant use care products;
  • the impossibility of manufacturing curved facades.

The best option would be a successful combination of synthetic and natural materials.

How to extend the life of solid wood furniture

The guarantee of a long service life of custom-made wooden furniture according to individual sizes is stable temperature conditions in the room. Decreased air humidity during the operation of heating systems, direct exposure to the sun can cause the wood to dry out and crack. Increased humidity can cause parts to swell and warp. The optimal operating conditions will be air humidity in the range of 40 – 60% and a temperature of 18 – 25ºC.

Rules for the care of natural wood furniture:

  • remove dust with rags made of soft fabrics intended only for wooden products;
  • do not allow solvents and aggressive chemicals to come into contact with furniture;
  • protect surfaces from impacts;
  • Do not use abrasive powders or detergents for cleaning that can destroy the structure of the wood.

Rules for the use of wooden furniture:

  • hot, wet and cold dishes should not be placed on its surface;
  • it is necessary to systematically lubricate and, if necessary, replace the hinges and guides so that individual parts do not change position and the furniture does not warp;
  • it is necessary to monitor the quality of fasteners and fittings.

To have a guarantee of the quality of the material, when buying, choose well-known manufacturers.