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Why oak furniture is the strongest and most durable

Natural wood items are the decoration of the interior of any room, they make the home cozy, elegant, attractive. When choosing a type of wood for the manufacture of a headset, pay attention to the pattern, color, texture. They are what define the look. Furniture manufacturers primarily take into account operational characteristics – strength, wear resistance, durability. According to these indicators, the first place is occupied by an array of oak.

Features of oak as a material for furniture

Among the huge number of hardwoods, manufacturers of wood products prefer solid oak. It is characterized by hardness, elasticity, flexibility, beauty. It is ideal for the manufacture of engineering structures, stairs, furniture, household items. The core part of the trunk consists of a ring and inner layers. Their structure ensures the “self-preservation” of the array, the products are not subject to cracking, warping.

Furniture made of oak retains its durability due to its physical and technological properties:

  • the density of dry wood is 570-690 kg/m3, according to this indicator, the raw material is classified as a heavy material;
  • for wet heterogeneous material, the indicator reaches 700-800 kg/m3, may exceed 1000 kg/m3 in a freshly cut state;
  • ultimate compressive strength along the fibers – 55.9 MPa, with static bending – 87.3 MPa.
  • modulus of elasticity – 12.2 GPa, only Siberian larch has higher values;
  • hardness: face – 57.3 N/mm2, radial – 48.2 N/mm2, tangential – 52.8 N/mm 2.
  • Thermal conductivity is 400mW(mK) along the fibers, 200mW(mK) across the fibers.
  • low hygroscopicity.

The texture of wood is characterized by radially arranged rays. The drawing is accepted as the standard of beauty, it is widely used in the creation of decorative coatings. The color range is wide, the color varies from almost white to black. Golden, brown, gray shades are common, red ones are absent.

Strength and durability of oak furniture

Solid oak furniture will last more than one hundred years if you follow the drying technology. If moisture is lost too quickly, cracks may appear. To improve the appearance, staining is used, the surface acquires a unique purple hue, a silky texture. After exposure to water, the hardness of the material increases.

The advantages of oak furniture:

  • ecological cleanliness;
  • durability;
  • strength, reliability;
  • beautiful appearance – unique texture, original pattern, richness of colors;
  • wear resistance, daily various loads are not able to lead to destruction;
  • resistance to moisture, oak can be used to make furniture for the kitchen, bathroom;
  • ease of processing, strength and plasticity make it possible to produce bent products, decorate furniture with carvings;
  • The ability to perceive paint, varnish, wax expands the possibilities of furniture manufacturers, allows you to produce sets in any style.

In the manufacture of oak products, it is necessary to take into account the high density, a significant mass of furniture makes it difficult to transport and install. Oak set has a high price. It is important to follow the rules of care, but this applies to all types of wood.

What to look for when choosing oak furniture

Oak is used to make sets for living rooms, bedrooms, hallways, offices, they will look expensive and solid in any room.

When choosing, pay attention to the following details:

  • features of the layout, interior;
  • room area, if the room is small, massive furniture will spoil the look;
  • color, dark bog oak furniture is good for a spacious room, for a small one it is better to opt for light shades.

When buying furniture, make sure of its quality – inspect the surface, it should be free of scratches and chips. Check the operation of mechanisms, accessories. Oak furniture can be made in any style, the best option is classic. The color scheme is restrained, there is gilding, carving. You can also bring to life baroque, provence, minimalism, empire, country, eco-style.

Features of care

Natural material needs special care. Try to install oak furniture at a distance from the heating system devices, so that direct sunlight does not fall.

Basic care rules:

  • remove dirt with a soft, slightly damp cloth, try not to get moisture into the joints;
  • Do not use aggressive cleaners or abrasive powders;
  • polish the tarnished surface with a composition consisting of beeswax and turpentine, taken in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • To remove greasy stains, use a cotton pad soaked in gasoline.