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Wooden kitchens: luxury or necessity

To answer the question posed in the title, it is necessary to compare the aesthetic and performance qualities of natural wood kitchen furniture and modern artificial materials.

Environmental friendliness

The kitchen is a place where food is prepared and eaten, and people spend a lot of time. It is desirable that they are not affected by negative substances. In this regard, the primacy is for natural wood. No matter how the seams of chipboard, MDF, chipboard and other sheet materials are sealed, they will emit formaldehyde and other artificial urea resin products.

Natural wood also contains resins, but they are chemically neutral with respect to humans and actively counteract the occurrence of mold fungi, rot, and kill wood-boring insects. Even a treated tree fills the atmosphere with useful substances, depending on the species:

  • phytoncides – pine, larch, alder, birch, aspen;
  • with tannins – oak;
  • essential oils – coniferous and valuable tree species.


For some reason, many people believe that steam has a negative effect on the tree. But it is enough to recall the piles of Venice and ancient ships, samples of household utensils from museums for washing and storing liquids, to make sure that properly selected, aged and processed wood is not afraid of water, steam and temperature changes.

Much more dangerous are these effects, common for a kitchen, for artificial materials. If the plastic of the facades and the laminate of the coatings are able to withstand moisture and temperature differences, then the pressed sheets of the cases and the same facades perfectly absorb water vapor, and then swell under the influence of moisture. As a result, there is a violation of the geometry of the cases, the doors of the cabinets do not close, and the drawers do not move.

The tree has a huge margin of safety precisely due to the naturalness of the material:

  • natural protection against mold and bugs;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • no deformation when changing temperatures.

Additional simple care or special impregnations in the process of manufacturing custom-made furniture significantly increase the protective properties of wood.

Care and repair

It is a mistake to think that a tree requires special care. In fact, it is no more difficult than processing surfaces made of plastic or chipboard. Premium wood sets are impregnated during the manufacturing process, and an additional treatment once a month or less is needed more to restore a presentable appearance.

And here again, wood furniture is in the lead, since it is subject to restoration even with mechanical damage. A chipped chipboard corner cannot be restored – you will have to change the sash or part of the body.


Even the simplest set of pine, birch or alder will look more presentable than the most expensive set of furniture made of plastic or chipboard.


The undeniable advantages of modern materials include their low cost. But if we compare the service life of sets made of solid natural wood and pressed chips, the question of the high cost of wooden furniture is removed. Another thing is that sets of MDF, chipboard or chipboard can be changed more often, and wood products will last for decades. But furniture made of natural wood is so beautiful, and its texture is so noble that it does not bother even after centuries, as evidenced by the examples of works by masters of past centuries that have come down to us.